Hello Hello! 

My name is Jenny Chiang, I am also known as Ting Chen Chiang which arose the idea of 

I am currently a uni student studying a bachelor of digital media, majoring in three dimensional design and fashion design. This blog will be an insight to my daily life alongside my personal style, beauty, travel and food.

You will often find me in the middle of discovering new food to be eaten. I love exploring my way through life and am always up for adventures of trying new things. I love meeting new people and making new friends. So if you spot me, please drop by and say HELLO!

I am super excited in adventuring and exploring the world for the rest of my life. Sharing my journey with the dear friends who follow my blog as I meet new friends, try amazing cuisines and explore the unique cultures of the world.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy everything I have to share!